Category: HTML

Complete, with search and HTML entities. Finally.

jQuery, 5KB.

Flat UI - Logo
Free Web User Interface Kit.

Think of it as a WordPress template but for your next web application.

Blueprints by Codrops starting with full width image slider and elastic content slider.

Nice overview by Harry Roberts.

Via @sixrevisions

Mobile HTML5

JavaScript tooltip framework.

Check browser support for CSS, HTML, JS and SVG with this site.

Another example of what I call primary research in HTML5, CSS & JavaScript:

FFF is a collection of interactive experiences. Each experience has its own unique design and functionality. All the experiences are created in HTML5, the site works beatifully on both desktop and tablet.

Kendo UI blog:

HTML5 takes another huge step forward with Chrome Packaged Apps. Packaged Apps open-up the desktop to HTML5 developers. Reusing all of the skills mastered for the web and mobile, Packaged Apps empowers developers to create complete app experiences that can be run anywhere you find Chrome: Windows, Mac, Linux, and, of course, Chrome OS!

These apps do not run in a “browser.” They run as independent, standalone apps with their own shell. Chrome powers the entire experience, but for users, Packaged Apps are not a browser experience. They’re an app experience.

Definitely worth a look.

Alex MacCaw writes about CSS custom filters, autocomplete API, Google Chrome Apps, ECMAScript 6 and Web Compotents.

Title says it all.

Via @machal

Over 800 pages if you are interested.

Looks usefull.

Via @robinraszka

Nice overview how to code for high pixel density (160 PPI and up) displays.

Via @daeltar

Jetstrap may be useful.

Via @jakubspanihel

Eric Bidelman, senior developer programs engineer on the Google Chrome team, presents some practical uses of what’s possible with HTML5 and CSS3 today, including the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module and the HTML5 Filesystem API.