Rodney Rehm for Smashing Magazine:

This article is packed with a number of quirks and issues you should be aware of when working with CSS3 transitions. Please note that I’m not showing any workarounds or giving advice on how to circumvent the issues discussed. Alex MacCaw has already written a very insightful and thorough article on “All You Need to Know About CSS Transitions.”

I love this animated part from Deathly Hallows.

Collie is a high performance animation library for javascript.

jQuery plugin for simple but powerful sprite based animations and panning

Good article by Alex MacCaw.

Nice overview of the possibilities of using CSS3, SVG, Canvas and WebGL for animation today.

Nice tutorial over at CSS-Tricks.

Nice presentation on CSS animation by Dan Eden.

Via @martindrzka

This so cool: Valve helps you create animated movies.

Via @daringfireball