John Gruber does some reality checking:

The desire for the “Oh, how the mighty Apple has fallen” narrative is so strong that the narrative is simply being stated as fact, evidence to the contrary be damned. It’s reported as true simply because they want it to be true. They’re declaring “The King is dead; long live the King” not because the king has actually died or abdicated the throne, but because they’re bored with the king and want to write a new coronation story.

Daring Fireball

Horace Dediu brilliant as usual:

Microsoft’s problem is not that it has difficulty offering an operating system for tablets. The problem is that the economics of both systems and application software on tablets is destructive to its margins.

The Economist: “In The World in 2013, which is published today, we predict that the internet will become a mostly mobile medium. Who will be the winners and losers?”.

I firmly believe, now more than ever, that the tablet is taking the place in the hearts of many consumers as the new personal computer. This again cements in my mind the fact that this market will be much larger than the notebook and desktop market ever was and I believe even closer in size to the smartphone market than people realize.

What I would be worried about if I am an Apple competitor is that the iPad and perhaps specifically the iPad Mini, becomes the tablet that large portions of the market cut their teeth on.


Via @asymco

Yesterday’s reveal of Surface, Microsoft’s first personal computer, was a watershed event in the evolution of value chains around computing.

And so we can see value chains evolving in real time before our very eyes. They have always evolved but in technology industries they evolve far more rapidly and will continue to accelerate.

The evolution of the computing value chain, Asymco

Clever man Horace Dediu and his presentation on Mobilism 2012. You are listening to his podcast Critical Path, aren’t you?