Great commentary by Ben Thompson on the Apple Watch introduction:

The Apple Watch section began with the iconic “One more thing…” at 55:44,1 and these were the extent of Tim Cook’s words before we got our first glimpse of the Apple Watch:

We love to make great products that really enrich people’s lives. We love to integrate hardware, software, and services seamlessly. We love to make technology more personal and allow our users to do things that they could have never imagined. We’ve been working incredibly hard for a long time on an entirely new product. And we believe this product will redefine what people expect from its category. I am so excited and I am so proud to share it with you this morning. It is the next chapter in Apple’s story. And here it is.

Then came the introductory video, and we never got an explanation of why the Apple Watch existed, or what need it is supposed to fill. What is the market? Why does Apple believe it can succeed there? What makes the Apple Watch unique?

For even more Ben’s insight listen to this episode of his podcast.

Kathy Sierra writing for gapingvoid:

“The key to understanding (and ultimately benefitting from) true “customer loyalty” is to recognize and respect that customers–as people – are deeply loyal to themselves and those they love, but not to products and brands. They are loyal to their own values and the (relatively few) people and causes they truly believe in. What looks and feels like loyalty to a product, brand, company, etc. is driven by what that product, service, brand says about who we are and what we value.”

Patrick McKanzie about his rework of Server Density pricing model. At the very least it’s a good inspiration of how you should approach your pricing strategy.

Also, have you read this one on pricing by Bidsketch founder?

Via @daeltar

As much as engineers like to joke about our counterparts in sales and marketing, the most successful sales and marketers think like engineers.

That’s when I realized – it’s not just that developers don’t see themselves as potentially amazing marketers. They might not even realize how deep and interesting of a field marketing is.

Tal Raviv writes on his Customers over code blog

Last month Bidsketch had the biggest increase in revenue it’s ever had.

Ruben Gamez then goes on into describing how he find out to which segments he could divide his clients and how he should present the new plans and much more.

Just read it.

Via @daeltar

Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers.

Good article by Patrick Cox of Codrops, about these elements of pricing page:

  1. Separate packages
  2. Make your offer stand out in the crowd
  3. Clear, honest and attention-grabbing type
  4. Benefits comparison
  5. FAQ’s
  6. The left-to-right/right-to-left debate
  7. Trust

Source The Verge